Home > linux, Uncategorized, virtual machine > Puppy Linux on qemu 2.50, slacko 5.6

Puppy Linux on qemu 2.50, slacko 5.6

puppy Fossa


Newer: 9/1/2021 used qemu 6.01 non-portable (hope it helps)

Used option 2: copy to ram

and used pale moon browser

chdir /d “X:\Program Files\qemu”
qemu-system-i386.exe -cdrom “X:\Program Files\qemu-files\tahr-6.0.5_noPAE.iso” -vga std -full-screen -hda “X:\Program Files\qemu-files\puppy.vmdk” -soundhw ac97 -smp 2 -boot c -m 1024 -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user

Older info:

chdir /d “X:\Program Files\qemu”
qemu-system-i386.exe -cdrom “X:\Program Files\qemu-files\tahr-6.0.5_noPAE.iso” -vga std -full-screen -hda “X:\Program Files\qemu-files\puppy.vmdk” -soundhw ac97 -smp 2 -boot c -m 1024 -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user

12/16/15 2.5 build of qemu


booted live cd, took awhile to boot because of scanning network drivers.  May not want to use fullscreen to test.  Ctrl+Alt+F to exit fullscreen, Ctrl+Alt+G to exit mouse

Creating a hard-drive image

qemu-img create -f vmdk “I:\Program Files\qemu-files\puppy.vmdk” 4G

notes on smp -smp 2,cores=2,sockets=1http://blog.schmoigl-online.de/?p=403

  1. September 1, 2021 at 11:49 AM

    it seems that only qemu image made with puppy 2.1 is available on net is there any way to build a new qemu image with new puppy where is documentation for making a qemu image with latest puppies ? if you know please send me url to my email or write an article here thank you in advance my email id is bhaanusss@gmail.com

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